
So I went to the health food store to gather my supplies:

  • Organic Grade B formaldehyde free maple syrup (definitely needed help with that one)
  • Organic Cayenne (this was in bulk and I had no idea how much to get so I just guessed 1.5oz)
  • Herbal laxative (great) I got mine in the form of a tea

I will get organic lemons and either a bunch of water of a new filter for my Pur closer to start date.

I was an airhead and at first I thought I needed honey and after being explained the different types I realized it was maple syrup I needed. I was kind of embarrassed checking out with the tea to be honest but the fear of actually drinking it still outweighs that. It is either that or drink some weirdo sea salt flush mixture and the salt passes through your body and acts as a laxative, I’ll pass.

And then the moment happened after the health food store when my boyfriend and I were sitting in the car in a parking lot and I was eating a burger from Steak N Shake and I really thought “How am I going to do this?!” I’m sitting in a car eating a burger right after getting the materials for my cleanse! He was literally waiting for me to finish so we could go in the store and look for new chef shoes for him….I told you guys I really am a fat kid inside, it’s just hidden in my tiny body. Tomorrow is day 1 of going vegetarian 4-5 days prior to cleansing. Wish me luck!


In case you’re wondering that ^ is bone marrow 😉